Dr. Juri Mahanta

Dr. Juri Mahanta

Associate Professor

Ph.D. : Gauhati University

Research Interests:

Date of Joining : Sep 25, 1992

Phone: 9864322036
Email: jurimahanta66@gmail.com

Vidwan Profile


Career Profile/Services:

1. Lecturer, Diphu Government College (1992-20/01/1999)

2. Senior Lecturer, Cotton College (30/01/1999- 17/11/2004)

3. Selection-Grade Lecturer, Cotton College (17/11/2004- 1/4/2008)

4. Associate Professor, Cotton College (1/4/2008 - till date)

Administrative assignments within and outside the institution:

Committee Member, Examination Branch, Cotton College (2008-2010)

Activities/assignments in the University:

Member, Alumini Association, Cotton University (2018)

Research Projects

Sl. No. Principal Investigator Co Principal Investigator Title of the Project Period Sponsoring Agency Sanctioned Amount Status
1 JURI MAHANTA   Impact of Education and Role of SHGs Among The Tiwa Tribe of Assam- with special reference to Morigaon District, Assam (MINOR RESERARCH PROJECT) 24 months UGC, NERO, Guwahati 1.5 lakhs Completed

Research paper publications till 2021

1. Role of Self-Help groups in Indian Society With Reference to Tiwa Community of Morigaon District, Assam; Page no. 170-176, 2014 (Concerns and Voices, ISBN No. 987- 9381-069-7-59)

2. Awareness About RTI Among The Individuals In Society With Special Reference to Greater Guwahati, Assam – A study; Page No. 143-148 (2013) Research Journal of Contemporary Concerns, Vol .8 ISSN No. 0972-7922

3. Women, Development and Reality, With Special Reference to Assam; Page No. 172-177 (2010) Concerns and Voices, Essays on Gender and Society

4. Emerging Trends in Teacher Education; Page No. 73-75, (2008) Research Journal of Contemporary Concerns; Vol. 6 ISSN No. 0972-7922

5. Information Technology For Learning Society of North East India (2005) Research Journal of Contemporary Concerns; Vol. 3; ISSN No. 0972-7922

Book publication relating subject/research concerned

1. Singphos Of North East India (2008) DVS Publishers: Guwahati ISBN No. 978-81- 86307-39-7

2. Sociological Foundation Of Education Shanti Prakashan:Guwahati (2014) ISBN No817680-029-5

3. Sikshar Parishay Part- 1 (2005-2006) Assam Book Depot (jointly written)

4. Sikshar Parishay Part- 2 (2006-2007) Assam Book Depot (jointly written)

Chapters/Articles publications in Books (Research Oriented)

1. Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Special Reference to the North –Eastern States (2004 , Article,Proceeding of North East India Education Society)

2. Effect of Computer-Assisted Instruction on Different Learners (2004, Rsearch article, proceeding; Teaching Techniques in Higher Education, AIAER)

3. Learning Organisation in Vocational Education with Special Reference to the Higher Education in North East (2005, Proceeding, ICLORD (19TH International Conference of AIAER

Research Scholars

Sl. No Name Research Topic Roll No
1 Anisha Choudhury Educational Psychology
2 Ayesha Siddika Problems of youth: its relation with academic achievement and mental health
3 Samim Rahman Teacher Education
4 Bandana Gogoi Attitude of B.Ed. students towards Yoga Education
5 Anjum Sahidullah Course Work Completed
6 Rupa Chetry Course work completed

Other Information

Awards and Distinctions:

1. CHAIRPERSON – National Conference, “Emerging Issues and Challenges in Indian Education System and Its Remedies”, Sponsored by UGC, NERO, Guwahati, organised by the department of Education, Nonoi College, Nagaon, Assam

2. Member of the review board of the above mentioned conference.

Association with Professional Bodies:

(i) Member and Treasures of the National Seminar on Teaching Techniques in Higher Education of AIAER (All India Association of Educational Research) special Interest Group, Assam.

(ii) As a president of Apakshya (NGO) organized a National Seminar on NEEM on 27th Jan 2006.

(iii) Member of the Review Board of the proceeding of the National Coference, Emerging Issues and Challenges in Indian Education System and its Remedies, sponsored by U.G.C., NERO, Guwahati

(iv) Life member of Council of teacher Education (CTE, National Committee).

(v) Life member of All India Association of Educational Research (AIAER).

(vi) Life member of North-East India Education Society (NEIES).

(vii) Life member of the Centre for Environment Education and Economic Development (CEEED).

(viii) Former Asstt. Secty of Cotton College Teacher Association, 2014-16.

(ix) Former Asstt. Secy. Of Cotton College Women Forum, 2014-16

(x) Executive Member of  Cotton College Wing.

Academic Involvement in different activities of :

(i) Gauhati University.

(ii) APSC (Assam Public Service Commission)

(iii) K.K. Handique Open University (Course Co-ordinator of Cotton College Wing)

(iv) B.Ed. Course under Gauhati University.

(v) Montessori Teachers’ Training Course, Cotton College, Guwahati

(vi) USTM, Meghalaya

Extention Work :

(i) Faculty of Montessori Teachers’ Training Course, Cotton College, Guwahati

(ii) Faculty of K.K. Handique Open University Erstwhile Cotton College Unit.

(iii) Participated in National Service Scheme (NSS) of Regional Centre.

Academic Activities :

Different academic articles and non-academic articles are published in daily newspapers, Journals, Magazines etc.